Sunday, June 14, 2015

Viktor Bezić

collage on paper
9" x 9" 2015

LeWitt Wall Drawing x Detroit Ruins x Poet's Head
collage on paper
9" x 9" 2015

I don't know where the screen ends and my eyes begin.
collage on paper
9" x 9" 2015

Missing Space
collage on paper
9" x 9" 2015

Artist Statement
Our idea of places and spaces have been altered by the internet, our mobile phones and social image sharing sites such as instagram and pinterest. Unfortunately, a lot of our immediate experience with place is mediated through our mobile phones. Trying to capture shots of places in their ideal states and later editing them in a way to idealizes them further. Images of these environments may not exist in the way they’ve been captured or edited creating an imaginary idealized place. As digital technologies further augment physical space, in addition to the blending of the physical and the digital we place an emphasis on our overall experience with place mediated or not. As Greg McKeown reminds us, “The faintest pencil is better than the strongest memory”. Our memories are rarely ever that accurate and our digital captures or manipulations are probably just as accurate as our memories. Our imagined places or memories of them can be just as real to us through our experiences and interactions with them.

Originally from Toronto, Canada Viktor has lived in Singapore, Shanghai and currently resides in Chicago, Illinois. Although predominately a digital artist, Viktor explores ways to create art in an analog format that is heavily influenced by digital culture. His interests reside at the points in which art and technology intersect. Viktor’s visual style is heavily influenced by the internet and digital tools. Mimicking digital techniques you’d see in photoshop but in an analog format. His explorations involve trying to give tangibility to things that are now predominantly made of ones and zeros.

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